Campus tours

New Employee Walking Tours

Are you a new UC Berkeley staff or faculty member? Or maybe you've worked on campus for awhile but never took an official campus tour? This tour is for you!

In partnership with People & Culture, we offer one-hour accessible campus walking tours for UC Berkeley current employees only. These tours focus on UC Berkeley's rich history, famous campus buildings, and opportunities around campus specifically for employees. These tours...

Free Guided Walking Tours

We offer free 90-minute accessible walking tours of the campus seven days a week, rain or shine. Prospective student or family? Tourist? Nostalgic alum? A campus tour is perfect for you! Our expert tour guides are student ambassadors who cover academics, history of the University, health & safety, athletics, student life, and much more.

The tour outlines our residence halls and...

Social Media

Connect with Visitor Services and our student Campus Ambassadors through social media!

Facebook: @VisitUCBerkeley

Instagram: @VisitUCBerkeley

YouTube: @VisitUCBerkeley

Sneak Peek: How a Campus Tour is Refined

July 26, 2024
Sneek Peek: How a Campus Tour is Refined

If you’ve been on one of our guided campus tours, you’ve heard our tour guides talk about all the facts and statistics and superstitions of Berkeley. But how do they get to the polished final product that they are? Let me walk you through the journey of a campus tour script.

When we’re brand new campus ambassadors, our first step is to read a thousand-page textbook on the history of Berkeley. Just kidding…kind of. We do get a manual with all the information about campus, and we draw from it to write our tour...

Home: My Commute to Berkeley This Summer

July 31, 2024
Home: My Commute to Berkeley This Summer

My journey from my home to my new home in Berkeley is quite short. Originally from Sunnyvale, CA, located in Santa Clara County of the Bay Area, going home isn't much of a burden. It takes about an hour down Highway 880, and the Orange Line BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) even takes me directly to the Milpitas BART station, which is just 20 minutes from my house.

As a campus ambassador working this summer—all while enjoying the coziness of my childhood room, my mom’s home-cooked meals (nothing beats her Korean...

Socializing Tips from a Campus Ambassador (and Journalism Minor!)

July 24, 2024
Socializing Tips from a Campus Ambassador (and Journalism Minor!)

Although I enjoy talking to people, it doesn’t come naturally. To be honest, I’m not the most sociable person in the room. That said, I can articulate the skills I’ve acquired because I’ve had to learn them myself. As a campus ambassador, I get paid to talk to people, and as a journalism minor, I’m required to for my grades. Many tips I’ve gleaned are from books and websites, but I’ve also picked up several just by observing how others socialize. When I’m working, I’ll note how friendly visitors strike up...

What I Love About Being a Campus Ambassador (Other Than Giving Tours)

March 11, 2024

When I was first interested in the Campus Ambassador role, I figured giving tours was the entire job. I had no idea of all the other roles, or as I like to call them, side quests, that tack onto the title. We cover a vast range of operations, ranging from running the Campanile, staffing the Koret Visitor Center, and executing large community events. While I love giving tours, I’ve really enjoyed dabbling in these other roles as well. I’m still pretty new to “campus ambassadoring” but here’s what has stuck out to me so far.

Learning about Berkeley ...

Berkeley Bucket List – Library Edition

September 30, 2021

Editor's note: This article was published in 2021. Some changes have taken place at the libraries since the article was published.

I’m on a mission to visit every single one of Berkeley’s 24 libraries during my final year at Cal. As the first month of school comes to a close, I’ve decided to highlight some of these spots that aren’t as popular as, say, Doe or Moffitt. Let’s take a look!

Anthropology Library (Anthropology and Art Practice Building)

The Anthropology Library sits on the second floor of the Anthropology and Art...